Monday, October 01, 2007

Mayhem Studios Featured Design in Create Magazine Hits News Stands

The Sept/Oct issue of Create Magazine with our 5 page design/layout featured article, "Agency Roll Call," hit news stands. The layout only appears in the West Coast regional issue. I received my copy the other day. It came out looking great!

You can read the article from the downloadable pdf.

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About me

  • Mayhem Studios is a small award-winning design firm located in Los Angeles, California, developing identity and brand recognition for the business sector across the nation. The Studio uses strategic and creative design with effective messages targeted to the client's specific audiences to produce identity and branded collateral pieces, annual reports, brochures, logo design, advertising and interactive web sites. Calvin Lee, Principal & Creative Director of Mayhem Studios is a graduate of Platt College and serves as a member of the Platt College Advisory Board for the Visual Communications Department, NO!SPEC Committee and on the Creative Latitude Management Team.
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