Mayhem Studios Gets a New Ride
The Studio unveiled its new Radio Control (RC) Car in their new promotion. We thought it would be fun and cool way to use a custom built Radio Control (RC) Car in our new promotions.
It all started when I gave a buddy of mine, Chris (No.e Studios), 2 iwata airbrushes I never use anymore. As a thank you, he custom painted, decal and built the Radio Control Car for me. I thought that was very cool. Thanks Chris!

It all started when I gave a buddy of mine, Chris (No.e Studios), 2 iwata airbrushes I never use anymore. As a thank you, he custom painted, decal and built the Radio Control Car for me. I thought that was very cool. Thanks Chris!

Labels: Marketing, Mayhem Studios, No.e Studios, Promotion, Radio Control RC Cars